Highlighting the achievements, new initiatives and impact of the DofE made possible with your support


Welcome to the latest issue of The Pioneer. I hope you had a lovely summer!

Each year, autumn sees thousands of young people embark on their DofE journey. Young people like Corron, whose inspiring story you can read below. In this issue, you'll also find updates on our refreshed Expedition requirements, as well as news on our podcast and This is Youth – plus much more. I hope you enjoy reading the stories below.

I also have some personal news to share. After 11 incredible years, I am moving on from the DofE. I’ll be taking a sabbatical before embracing a new challenge in 2024. I want to extend my huge thanks to you for your advocacy and commitment to supporting our work with young people.

I have met so many wonderful supporters and will treasure the memories I have made at the charity. Seeing young people transformed through their Awards has been a great joy of mine.

Thank you again for supporting the work of the DofE – I hope our paths cross again.

Caroline Glen 
Director of Fundraising 
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award  

corron's Story

Corron is a Bronze Award holder from Blackpool, and a young carer to his twin sisters.

When he arrived at high school he was shy and nervous. For his Volunteering section, he started a resilience club supporting other students to make the transition from primary to secondary school. He credits the DofE with helping him to grow in confidence. He is now a good public speaker and has ambitions to be a teacher.

"As a young carer, I help my mum which can be challenging because I can’t always do what other people my age are doing. Through DofE, I set up the Resilience Club at school. I help students with their confidence and self-esteem.

"When you feel like you’re doing something good it motivates you to keep going. I'm so excited by the opportunities DofE gave me and I cannot wait for the future!"

Corron's school has been supported with funding enabling them to offer the DofE to those who might otherwise struggle to take part.

In 22/23, nearly 17,000 young people like Corron were supported to access the DofE via funded places, and 4,000 were supported by bursaries to help them complete their Sections including expedition.

Watch the short video below to hear how Corron has benefitted from taking part in the DofE.

The Resilience Fund which supports Participation Places, Bursaries, and Adult Training is generously funded by Gordon and Hilary Phillips, #iwill, The National Lottery Community Fund, and DCMS.

dofe Podcast

Over the summer, the charity has been releasing weekly episodes of our brand new podcast Navigating Now. Created by young people, for young people, the podcast has featured well-known faces in conversation with young people sharing advice and stories on topics ranging from mental health to climate change.

Our young hosts put so much into developing the podcast and we have been delighted with the response. Amazon even named us one of the best podcasts of the week shortly after launch.

If you'd like to listen to any of the episodes, click this link.

We'd like to thank our generous sponsors RSM and The Gosling Foundation for helping us make the podcast a reality.

Please get in touch with us at if you would like to have a chat about ways we could collaborate on creative projects.


From November, the charity will introduce refreshed requirements for planning and doing expeditions, to enhance inclusivity while losing none of the quality and challenge that makes a DofE Award so highly recognised.

The changes build on temporary flexibilities brought in during the pandemic and include the ability for some young people to return to their own homes to sleep during an expedition.

Young people also don't need to travel to wild country, their expedition can be completed in urban areas and restricted spaces. Leaders can use motorised transport to open up new expedition areas and support safety, and assessors for Silver and Gold can now be known to participants.

These changes will allow more people like Eimear to take part in a life-affirming expedition and achieve their DofE. Eimear is visually impaired and was supported with funding to purchase specialist equipment including a walkie-talkie, walking poles, a talking compass, and a braille print map:

"I can’t see, but I don’t think that should ever stop me. I was nervous about starting my Bronze, but I was so glad I challenged myself to do it, it increased my resilience and I’ve used skills that I didn’t even know I had before starting DofE."

breaking barriers in west yorkshire

Over 4,000 young people who started their DofE last year in West Yorkshire were supported by the ASDA Foundation.

Young people like Sam* who completed his DofE in the secure estate.

His Probation Officer said:

“When Sam entered custody, he found it extremely difficult to speak to others and had very little ability to overcome daily tasks. Since starting his DofE, Sam has found an interest in fishing, which has enabled him to come out of his shell and talk to staff and other young people. For the first time in his life, he has developed positive relationships with others and there has been an improvement in his mental health and behaviour. Sam is continuing to make steps in the right direction thanks to The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award."

Reaching more young people

With funding from the ASDA Foundation, the DofE has recruited a member of staff with a specific focus on engaging the South Asian community. They will work with community leaders to grow the understanding of the DofE, ensuring more young people can access a life-changing DofE programme.

A huge thanks to the ASDA Foundation for their support.

*We have not used his real name.

2023/24 Youth Ambassadors

Our Youth Ambassador programme is now in its third year. It aims to put young people at the heart of our work as a charity.

We are delighted to have 35 new Ambassadors joining us for 2023/24. You can read some of their stories below. They come from a wide range of backgrounds and all over the UK but what they have in common is their passion for the DofE and ensuring more young people like them get the chance to take part in a life-changing DofE programme.

Visit this link to read all of their inspiring stories.

The Youth Ambassador programme is generously supported by The Gosling Foundation.

Alexie is home educated and has a range of additional needs but has demonstrated just what she is capable of throughout her DofE journey. Alexie never imagined that DofE would be accessible to her and wants to use her role as a Youth Ambassador to show other young people with disabilities exactly what they are able to achieve.

Folusho worried that DofE wouldn’t be for her. She realised that you don't have to be the best at something to enjoy it, and, as a result, has pushed herself out of her comfort zone and discovered what she can do. Folusho found belief and confidence through DofE and wants to use her voice to empower other people to explore what they are capable of.

Finlay signed up to DofE to see how far he could push himself physically and mentally. He is a frame runner and volunteers at his athletics club delivering training sessions. He enjoys seeing others' progress with his guidance. He wants to help other disabled people feel more confident to ask for help and make the world more accessible.

Emmanuel has noticed a big improvement in his social skills through DofE. He has enjoyed giving back to his community and has become a role model for other young people. He is proud of the person he has become and aspires to study urban planning at university, to create positive change in more deprived areas of his community.

Black Girls Hike becomes A Licensed Organisation

We're delighted that Black Girls Hike has been supported with funding to become a Licensed Organisation offering young people in Greater Manchester the chance to do their DofE.

Black Girls Hike will be developing a specialised strand to their services that focuses purely on working with young women to support their physical wellbeing through nature-based activities including DofE.

Rhiane Fatinikun, CEO of Black Girls Hike, said:

“I founded Black Girls Hike in 2019 to prioritise my wellbeing and create a space for the community to adventure and connect with nature. I’m delighted we are expanding our reach to support and empower young people from our community into the outdoors, and to unlock their full potential. I can’t wait to see them flourish.”

Read more here.

Black Girls Hike received grant funding from Access Without Limits, supported by Julia and Hans Rausing.

This is Youth

This is Youth will celebrate the extraordinary achievements of DofE participants and the adult volunteers who deliver the Award.

Nominations have now closed and we were delighted to receive more than 300 submissions.

Our judging panels, including well-known faces like Jay Blades and Louise Minchin, are reading through entries, and the winners will be announced soon!

Look out for their inspirational stories in the next issue of The Pioneer.

Read more about This is Youth here.

This is Youth is kindly supported by British Airways, MTC, The Gosling Foundation, and Gordon and Hilary Phillips.

gower walk

In September, nearly 200 challengers took part in the first DofE Gower Walk. They walked 10 or 22 miles along the stunning Gower Coast to raise money to support the DofE. It was a fantastic day that has raised nearly £40,000 for the charity! Check out some lovely images below.

If you'd like to take on a challenge and support the DofE, get in touch with us at

A big thanks to our sponsor, Swansea Building Society.

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Events for your diary

Below is a small selection of our upcoming events. If you'd like to find out more, please get in touch at

Car Tour

Join us for our third unique Classic Car Tour adventure, driving through the beautiful villages and countryside of South West England.

Starting near Bath, we'll take the slow road through Devon, and navigate Exmoor and Dartmoor before returning via Somerset. We would love for you to join us on this exciting tour in support of the DofE.

The tour will start on Sunday 17 March and finish on Thursday 21 March. For more information please contact:

Challenge Events

From a 10k to a skydive, a marathon to a wing walk, we would love you to take on a challenge for the DofE in 2024.

Look out for lots of brilliant opportunities to challenge yourself and raise funds for the charity next year. Why not get a team together, achieve something amazing, and have fun all while supporting more young people to access the DofE!

If you want more information of taking on a challenge for the DofE, get in touch at