Meet the hosts of

navigating now

How does the cost of living affect me? Where should I get my news from? Our Navigating Now podcast is ready to tackle the big questions with two bonus episodes.

Co-created with young people, these episodes address key issues that matter to them most in this year of seismic political change. Based on our Youth Voices 2024 research, we discuss topics including the cost of living, reliable news sources, and wellbeing.


What was your favourite part about recording the bonus episodes? 

Seeing everyone again! It’s been over a year since we last met together in person and it was so much fun to catch up a year later from where we were in our lives before. Also, the laughs when recording is always a favourite part, especially as they don’t always make the final cut, so we have our own inside jokes which we kept referring to throughout the recording days!  

 What topic were you most excited to discuss?

How we can involve more young people in political decisions, particularly as I’ve played a large part in encouraging more youth voice in my home city for the last few years and there was so much that all of us had to say about this topic, which made it really fun! Also as the three of us on our roundtable discussions are different ages and at different points in our lives, it was interesting to see what their perspectives were on young people older than myself!  

Tell us a fun fact about yourself

I love performing! I’ve have been a dancer since I was 3 but also love music and play the flute, and have been teaching myself piano since I was 10!  


What was your favourite part about recording the bonus episodes? 

Meeting up with the other hosts in the studio and diving deep into topics that really sparked my interest.

What topic were you most excited to discuss?

Trust in the media. This is a topic that is rapidly evolving nowadays and it was great to give my input as well as learn other perspectives.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself

I like to say that I don't really have a favourite genre of music, I could listen to anything and vibe to it.


What was your favourite part about recording the bonus episodes? 

Having the opportunity to explore new and serious topics in a more relaxed and creative setting. It was a refreshing change of pace that brought a playful energy to our recording sessions.  I also loved brainstorming names for the episodes. It was both challenging and entertaining to find phrases that summed up the multitude of topics discussed. 

What topic were you most excited to discuss? 

While I wasn’t involved in the roundtable discussions directly, I was really interested to hear what the group had to say about the media, and what news to trust. 

Tell us a fun fact about yourself

I love mystery novels so much! My favourite author is Agatha Christie, and I've learned to solve the cases before the Detective Hercule Poirot does.


What was your favourite part about recording the bonus episodes? 

I loved how well we got on as a team. It was a fantastic environment to be apart of, all those in front and behind the camera were so friendly and everyone welcomed each others’ opinions. Recording the sessions in person allowed for much more free flowing conversations too, as it facilitated us to bounce off ideas produced by one another. 

What topic were you most excited to discuss? 

I particularly enjoyed speaking about trust in the media with Onyii and Anika. With the variety of ongoing events in the world alongside the emergence of social media, it has never been easier for individuals and corporations to form and push their own opinions into the public domain. This is especially important for those that source their news from social media with algorithms tailoring feeds to their own beliefs. 

Tell us a fun fact about yourself

After working in women’s football as part of my university degree, I produce round up raps about each weekend’s fixtures on Instagram and TikTok.


What was your favourite part about recording the bonus episodes? 

Actually just meeting everyone. We’d had Zoom calls talking to each other but it was so great to finally see everyone in person and get to know each other. 

What topic were you most excited to discuss?

Surprisingly, it was how we as young people can handle the cost of living crisis – initially this wasn’t the one I thought I would like talking about the most, but it was really interesting to talk about it with other young people and learn a bit more about it.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself

I’m a singer! I finished my grade 4 last summer and I’m looking to finish grade 5 soon.


What was your favourite part about recording the bonus episodes? 

Meeting the amazing team again! In addition, I feel like giving myself and the team the opportunity (again) to voice our perspectives on what is going on in the real world, helped spark the importance of listening to youth of all ages in hopes for a better change for our futures. 

What topic were you most excited to discuss?

The cost of living crisis. This is because as a young adult as well as a former student, I was able to speak on my personal perspective and experiences with how it has affected me. Also hearing what my roundtable partners and special guests had to say had changed my mindset to what I needed to do for my future such as save money and invest in items that benefit me for longer amounts of time. With this topic, I feel with what myself and my partners discussed can help other young people with advice and give the audience the sense that they are not alone as we can all relate in the struggles that we are currently facing.  

Tell us a fun fact about yourself

I’m always looking for the next challenge which is why I keep a bucket list on my phone of what I would like to achieve (realistic and unrealistic) to keep me motivated to keep active, inspired and gain new experiences/ memories. So far I have completed 4! 

Meet the hosts of Navigating Now 2023


Lucy is a Gold DofE Award holder from Wales. She's excited to have the opportunity to do something new and push the expectations of what a podcast can be. On Navigating Now Lucy talks in an honest light, expressing her view that the more young people do, the less taboo it will be. She thinks young people should always be listened to because anyone who is speaking up deserves to be heard.

"Listen carefully to each episode because the thing that will impact you or awaken something in you won't always be what you expect."


Silver Award holder, James has always believed in empowering young people and using the power of language to raise awareness, generate empathy and shape a future society. As a 2022-23 DofE UK Youth Ambassador he has already reached so many young people but sees Navigating Now as a way to inspire them.

"Regardless of who you are and what stage of life you are at, I hope that you will enjoy the podcast and take something away from it - be it useful advice or just a bit of laughter to lighten your day!"


Karolina started her DofE in Slovakia but did her Gold Award when she moved to Edinburgh. Karolina is keen to represent young people in Scotland, and her involvement in the podcast inspired her to become a 2023-24 DofE UK Youth Ambassador, where she hopes to continue to speak out on issues that matter to her generation.

"This is a podcast from young people to young people, discussing themes and issues that young people go through and relate to and at the end of the day show that we all go through the same, just in different situations."


Gold Award holder Juliette first joined Navigating Now because she wanted to work with a team to create something that entertains and inspired people. She says that young people should be listened to because "they can be open-minded and optimistic to a fault. Meaning they can imagine how the world could be better and are willing to try and make it so."

"As "together" as your peers and heroes seem everyone is just doing their best, so as long as you keep trying to be the best you can be, you WILL be fine."


Gold Award holder, Emma hopes that Navigating Now will spread enjoyment and a sense of connection to a wide audience of young people who she otherwise may not have connected with. She brings enthusiasm and unapologetic insight into what it's like to live as a young person in the now and doing DofE. She says that young people need to be listened to because "we view the world through fresh eyes."

"I hope you find the conversations as thought provoking as I have, and you feel inspired to take action on something you want to try/change in your everyday. Happy listening!"


Rob is a Gold Award holder and is passionate about pursuing a career in film-making and broadcasting and sees Navigating Now as a platform to perfect his skills while creating fresh and exciting content for DofE. He's keen to work with other young people as it is tailored to young people's needs and interests.

"My message to the listener is that I hope you enjoy the podcast as an open and free discussion of some fairly heavy topics. Don’t expect us to have all the answers just as we don’t expect you to agree with all our thoughts - but hopefully it will help to guide you to your own conclusions!"


Gracie sees the podcast as an opportunity to educate the younger generation on the current issues and situations the world is going through. She has strong opinions and adds humour and debate to Navigating Now. She believes young people should always listen to politics and they "must understand what is going on in our world, what can be changed and what can be improved. For a better world and better society."

"My message to listeners is to take life as it comes, always find time for yourself and put yourself first and your mental, physical health. Never give up!"


Silver Award holder, Hana was one of our very first UK DofE Youth Ambassadors in 2021. She joined Navigating Now because she wanted to be a part of something that could inspire a new generation of change makers. She is excited to learn new skills and take on an entirely new experience. Hana thinks young people are the heart of our future and they should be directly involved. She hopes that when people listen to the podcast it might unveil a different perspective that they didn't consider.

"I would like our listeners to not only take in advice discussed but implement it into their own lives!"

Navigating Now is a Mags Creative Production brought to you by The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award with generous support from The Gosling Foundation.